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"It's Only A Bike Race: How Hard Can It Be?" is now available for purchase in paperback and Kindle!
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The Awards Judge Organization proudly announces the
Winners of the First Annual 2015-16
Los Angeles, CA—The Awards Judge Organization has announced the Winners of the First Annual NEW BOOK AWARDS. The New Book Awards were created to boost recognition for outstanding literary achievement
filtered out of a wide spectrum of America’s diverse literary community. One purpose of the awards is to bring attention to independent and self-published works that might otherwise go unnoticed. The New Book Award winners range from well-known and established writers to aspiring authors and first works. There are no quotas for diversity; the winners list simply reflects the quality chosen through a natural selection process.
The Awards Judge Organization (AJO) is a national independent product review & ratings commission.
The full text of the press release announcing the list of award winners including "It's Only A Bike Race" can be found at www.newbookawards.com